Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ken Wilber: The Best and Baldest Hope for Humanity

Here's a pretty graph:

It's not actually very helpful on its own, but this acid trip of an info-graph comes from a school of thought that is trying to integrate just about every psychology and spiritual system in the world. This integrating school cleverly calls itself "Integral Theory." It's spearheaded by this guy, Ken Wilber:
This photo gives me the distinct impression that he might be the worst. I did, however, enjoy reading a brightly colored booklet he put out called The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction to the Revolutionary Integral Approach to Life, God, the Universe, and Everything. Pretty ballsy title, if I may say so myself. Surprisingly, the book didn't disappoint. "Integral Theory," as this book presents it at least, isn't so much a theory as it is a Rob Schneidery "You can do it!" message of reaching your full/infinite potential.

The book is full of graphs like the one above, showing potential human growth in several directions and on multiple axes. They've got this horrible term for a great concept called "AQAL." It stands for All Quadrants, All Lines. Quadrants are the different "selves." You exist simultaneously as an I, an It, a We, and an Its. Trust me on this one.
For the Mystical Trucker in all of us

The lines are the different aspects of potential growth, i.e. your emotional line, intellectual line, spiritual line, etc. Slap all these things together, add some Chakra related color theory, and set it in motion... and you get the related field of "Spiral Dynamics."

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